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Take Action

Find information, and opportunities to join us in advocating for policy changes that impact the LGBTQ+ community.

When you VOTE you make your voice HEARD!

Remove the Ban and Protect the Freedom to Marry in Colorado

This November, a ballot question will ask voters, "Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado constitution removing the ban on same-sex marriage?" By voting Yes to remove the ban, Colorado voters will update our constitution to reflect Colorado values that someone should be able to marry the person they love and preserve federal marriage benefits and protections, including hospital visitation rights, access to healthcare coverage, social security, and tax benefits.

Freedom to Marry

Do Not Sign the Following Petitions

Join us and the Freedom for All Coloradans Coalition (One Colorado, Rocky Mountain Equality, and Rose Foundation) in opposing the following initiatives that consist of preventing trans girls from playing school sports and enshrining parental rights in the state constitution, ultimately increasing surveillance of students and censoring teachers and school personnel.


Initiative 142 – Parental Notification of Gender Incongruence

Summary: A forced outing, this initiative increases the surveillance of school students by anyone associated with public education – including administrators, teachers, nurses, contractors, volunteers, and others. Requires a 48-hour notice to parents if their child is perceived to be outside of the gender binary.


Initiative 160 – Public Athletics Programs for Minors

Summary: This proposal, if enacted, would bar trans girls from participating in public athletic programs – or private athletic programs competing against public schools – by mandating the use of birth certificates as a form of identification and corroborating the student’s sex. This will eliminate opportunities for LGBTQ+ students to enjoy the benefits of school athletics, which include teamwork, fairness, cooperation, and community.

Use this HRC Foundation resource to learn more about Transgender & Non-Binary Athletes and sports equality.

A Guide to Voting While Trans

Colorado’s voting laws are some of the most accessible in the country. However, many transgender and nonbinary Coloradans have questions about voting–and may face discrimination at the ballot box.

Use this guide, created by One Colorado, to know your rights and how to vote in Colorado.



One Colorado Legislation Tracker