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Job description of Board of Director role: Vice-President

The Vice-President shall:

  • As directed by the President, serve as backup for the President and assist on an ongoing basis with the duties of the President
  • Assume the responsibilities of the President in their absence
  • Perform such other duties that from time to time may be assigned by the Board of Directors

The President shall:

  • Manage all business and fiscal affairs and day-to-day operations of the Chapter under the supervision of the PFLAG National Board of Directors
  • Represent, or designate others, to represent the Chapter before external groups and serve as the spokesperson for the Chapter
  • Oversee the activities and day-to-day operations of the Chapter Officers and Directors
  • Evaluate Chapter support, education, and advocacy activities
  • Prepare the agenda and preside over all Board meetings and at regular, annual, and special meetings of the general membership
  • Call the annual meeting of the general membership including preparation for the election of Chapter Officers and Directors
  • Lead the development of an annual report on PFLAG Fort Collins’ activities and outcomes each year, in coordination with the Director of Communications
  • Prior to the beginning of each year, work with the Board of Directors and Chapter members to determine the strategic priorities for the upcoming year
  • Call any special meetings of either the Board or the general membership
  • Handle all PFLAG Fort Collins correspondence in cooperation with the Secretary and other Directors in a timely manner
  • Develop the Chapter budget in cooperation with the Treasurer with input from the Chapter Directors
  • Sign all documents authorized by the Board of Directors
  • Attend, or designate a representative to attend, all PFLAG community events and other community events which relate to the operation of PFLAG Fort Collins, as applicable
  • In coordination with the Director of Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDIO, lead the Chapter’s effort to involve and build alliances with local diverse groups.
  • Perform such other duties that may be required by law, by PFLAG National, by the Articles of Incorporation, by the Chapter bylaws, or by the Chapter Board of Directors
  • Perform such other duties that from time to time may be assigned by the Board of Directors
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