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Upcoming Events

Find out when our next support groups and community engagements are taking place!

A group of people attending the Family Picnic held by PFLAG Fort Collins in 2023
Chapter Meetings and Events

Building Power with Jude (of Jude's Law in Colorado)

You suit up, show up, and don't give up! Hear Jude (HB19-1039 in Colorado) who spent years getting a law passed in Colorado making it easier for trans/nb folks to update their ID documents in Colorado, share her lived experience. Along with her mom!

Email info@pflagfortcollins.org for location
12:00pm–2:00pm MDT

Fort Collins March Support

Join us for our monthly support meeting in person or virtually. Email info@pflagfortcollins.org for in-person location. Use the Registration Link to attend virtually.

Use the registration link only if you want to attend virtually.
6:30pm–8:00pm MDT

Longmont March Support

If you have an LGBTQ+ loved one in your life, you are not alone. If you would like to learn how to support, encourage, and celebrate your loved one(s), join us the 3rd Monday in Longmont. Email longmont.leader@pflagfortcollins.org for location.

Email longmont.leader@pflagfortcollins.org for in person location.
7:00pm–8:30pm MDT

Loveland March Support

Join us for support and camaraderie. In person in Loveland and virtually. Email info@pflagfortcollins.org of in person location.

Registration only required for virtual. Email info@pflagfortcollins.org for in person location.
6:30pm–8:00pm MDT

TDoV and Trans Panel - Mira Bellwether Buy a Trans Woman a Pizza

Help us celebrate Trans Day of Visibility ... and pizza! Hear lived experiences from our panel. This event is for anyone who has a family member (including chosen family) or friend who is transgender whom they want to learn how to support, encourage, and celebrate.

Email info@pflagfortcollins.org for the location.
6:30pm–8:30pm MDT